You gotta have faith

Faith is having a belief in something greater than yourself. “Kriya yoga” means “yoga in action” and is described in The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali to include three valuable keys for establishing the skill of surrender…

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Kristin Taylor
Coming Home To Yourself

Would you agree that coming to the mat is coming home to yourself? ... That through the practice of yoga and meditation, one can access their higher self, or at least find themselves in some way?

Wanna talk a bit about that?

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Kristin Taylor
Transforming Power

If not for the tools and practices of Self-knowing, the opportunity for change lies dormant, buried beneath the constructs of self-identity. This is where I was stuck. I was “asleep”, unaware of my power to create change. I’m talking about real change here. Not just superficial change. Not a change of environment, job or relationship. I’m talking about changing myself. Changing my belief. Believing that I am a being worthy of love.

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Kristin Taylor