New Year’s Resolutions- What’s the point?

I’ve had an epiphany this year. When I wake in the morning, I watch my thoughts. I grab a pen and immediately begin to write. Three pages. I let the stream of consciousness take the pen. I have no objective. I just write to clear the space in my mind. The leftover, unresolved thoughts and experiences of yesterday come pouring out.

I am inclined to think. I think too much about everything which is an inefficient use of my mental energy, so this is a great way for me to unload the burden of my mind. Afterward, I sit for my meditation which gives me the stillness to begin to set the proper foundation for a day aligned with my heart as opposed to my mind.

This practice has lead me to notice patterns in my mind. The ones churning about when I’m not paying attention. Here’s the stunner. I’ve noticed that I tend to complain. Do I want to admit this? Not really. It’s embarrassing. Yet, in the back of my mind, I like to convince myself that it is, more or less, a harmless habit. Besides, it helps me feel better and gives me a sense of validation for the pain I feel at being at the mercy of life. (tongue in cheek) 

If I’m caught up in complaining, most likely it’s due to something “out of my control” that I am being subjected to. I’m apparently “helpless” and creating a story with someone or something to blame.

Seemingly obvious, this simple habit of complaining means that I am not taking responsibility for my situation. Complaining leads to blaming. Blaming is the way that my ego deflects the shame that is attached to this feeling of powerlessness. To be entirely frank, there is a victim consciousness that lives behind the simple habit of complaining and all of the neurochemicals released through these negative thoughts are creating my biome. My biome is the place I am living internally and have grown accustomed to. It’s my subconscious comfort zone… Yikes!

I’ve recently heard that we have 80,000 thoughts per day and 90% of them are repetitive and relate to the experiences we had in the first six years of our life. 90% of our thoughts are just re-playing themselves over and over again according to some indelible experience we had when we were young.

This is a major realization. My unconscious self (the ego) has been identifying with a self-defeating story.

I am now conscious of this misgiving and by calling it out, it’s power over me is already diminishing. My awareness gives me power. I now choose to see my complaining as a symptom of a self-limiting blueprint that has been at the helm for way too long. I am filled with gratitude to be able to see this distorted perception that was contracting my world. 

So my new year’s resolution is to continue to watch my thoughts and use moments of negativity as an opportunity for change and empowerment. It’s so exciting to know that now, every time I say something negative, I can pause, and take a powerful moment for cognitive re-framing. Re-framing starts by simply looking around and finding something to be grateful for instead. Gratitude is the bridge to begin to train the body to receive the new biological conditioning (belief) that supports the re-wiring necessary for lasting habit reform.

I am grateful for the opportunity to shift my relationship with life. I am grateful to take responsibility now for my perception, and I am excited to see how things change in my life this year. This is what I think is meant by 2020 vision.

“Try to not complain for 24 hours and see how your life changes.” -Anonymous

Food for thought:

What’s your bad habit?

What do you think it’s related to?

How can you use your bad habit as an ally for change?

Keep in mind, it’s the practice that clears the lens of perception. Join me on the journey of dissolving the veils that obscure the power of clear, healthy thinking so that we may live a life of joy and abundance!

My teaching schedule:

10:30-12pm PRANA VINYASA YOGA Studio M- Madeline Hotel
4:00-5:00pm YOGA FOR STIFF BODIES Studio M- Madeline Hotel•

12:30-1:30pm PRANA VINYASA YOGA Studio M- Madeline Hotel
4:00-5:00pm YOGA FOR STIFF BODIES Placerville Schoolhouse




Kristin Taylor