prana vinyasa yoga

PRANA life-force, breath, movements of life

VINYASA evolution, wave, cycle, lineage, teaching of flowing yoga

YOGA to unify, the state of unified consciousness

Prana Vinyasa is a life-realization, embodiment practice & global collective based on the roots of yoga, evolutionary, pathways, the art and science of flow, and tools for wellness for our vitality and sacred earth.

​Prana Vinyasa is a journey to greater embodiment, vitality, enjoyment of life, living flow, creative fulfillment, natural happiness, and a connection to one’s sva dharma: inherent purpose in life.

Our evolutionary practice and teacher training empowers people around the globe to cultivate your life as your art, passion, and path of fulfillment.

As a global teaching collective, we serve the life-force in empowering people to connect with the vinyasa of their lives to bring greater life presence. vitality, and joy.

​We inspire people to tend the fire of their life and find their sva-dharma: inherent life purpose within the unique season of their life- single or family, professional or exploring, recovering from a life change or rising up to explore one’s potential.​

We are positive change agents to bring greater wholeness, diversity, male-female balance and natural vitality and humility to individuals and cultures at large through the universal path of yoga.