Love in the time of CoVid

2020 has brought many shifts and changes. Some we resist and some we welcome, though the wise know— that which we resist will persist.

This is a fascinating natural law. The things we want to avoid at all costs have a way of sticking to us. The obstacle gets stronger with each moment of denial or refusal. It becomes the wildest weed in our garden and its roots grow so deep that it can be difficult to see the flowers.

It certainly seems that this virus is just one of those things. When it comes to COVID and dating, it’s completely understandable that you might be feeling kind of mad and resistant to the idea of virtual dating. The injustice of this virus against our personal freedoms can be exasperating, but what if you decided to stop resisting what is and realize that this may be the most amazing gift of your life? 

Would you be willing to recognize that CoVid is providing the structure to bring courtship back into dating? CoVid is giving you time to figure out who a guy really is before you go LOVE BLIND.

If you are willing to dig into the weed of what’s happening now you may uncover the flower. For instance, have you ever considered asking any real questions before you get into a relationship? Or were you like me, just crossing your fingers and counting on life to throw the man of your dreams your way, then discovering that he isn’t all that you thought he was? It’s easy to get swept away by chemistry and convenience. Asking real questions would deflate the whole experience of falling in love.

Yet now, there is time. There is time to talk before you are driven by hormones. There is time to learn the art of flirtatious communication and the opportunity to go slow while he reveals whether he’s worthy of your precious love.

With CoVid to contend with, it’s slowing this whole dating process down, which, I’m excited to tell you is to your advantage. This virtual dating thing is allowing you the grace of discernment. It’s an opportunity to make good decisions to find TRUE love as opposed to winding up with the first guy that gives you a smoldering look across the dance floor. Women as a species are equipped with a special bonding hormone that has been known to make us think we are in love when truthfully we can’t actually see the forest for the trees.

So ladies, rise with gratitude for this is the time of true empowerment, true opportunity! It has been said that the only way to do it, is to go right through it. Now is the time to make CoVid your LOVE ally.

I haven’t watched this new series on Netflix but couples are paired through conversation only! An interesting concept.

If you are feeling like this virus is getting in the way of your ability to find love, I’d like to help you with that!
For a limited time, I’m offering a NO COST “Attract Your Soul Mate” Dream Coaching Session where together we will:

  • Create a crystal clear vision for the kind of man that you’d like to attract and the kind of relationship you’d like to have.

  • We’ll uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging your success with men and dating.

  • You’ll leave the session renewed, re-energized, and INSPIRED to attract and keep a great man once and for all.

To claim your special “Attract Your Soul Mate” Dream Coaching Session today simply click here, fill out the questionnaire, and schedule your session!

Keep an eye out for my next blog… three ways to attract the right kind of guy online + three conversation starters that get right to the heart of things!

Yours truly,