When your heart whispers, "I desire to love"...

Sometimes doubt can be overwhelming. Especially when it seems like love happens for everyone but you. Doubting for years can lead to bitterness. The feeling that you've been abandoned by God.

I'll tell you this. The one thing that I have learned about life especially in regard to doubt is this:
Follow your heart.

Because your heart holds a fire that lights the way to love. I promise you that your mind will argue its logic to no end. But if you can learn to see your mind as the servant and not the master, then you can listen more closely to the quiet voice of the heart.

When your heart whispers, "I desire to love", then listen. Because this sacred message is a guide from beyond informing you of your true destiny. Your heart is closer to God, or Source, or however, you choose to name the Divine Knowing that moves through you.

I listened. And I never stopped believing that my perfect match was going to find me. Key phrase: FIND ME. I didn't have to find him. All I had to do was follow my heart. Because my heart took me to all my favorite places and filled me with happiness until my soul was ready and aligned and truly available for love.

The truth is we have fears that block love.

Mine was fear of commitment. I was afraid to be accountable. I spent most of my life on the run. On the run from responsibility, showing up, and allowing myself to be seen. I was on the run from myself.

I know now that my fear of commitment had to do with self-esteem. I actually didn't know my worth. In fact, I was lost in a deep pattern of self-rejection.

Until I chose to follow my heart, and along the way, I learned to recognize my weaknesses. I then started to rebuild from the ground up. So, what was a safe commitment for me?

Yoga. That I could commit to.

Through the path of yoga, I learned to love. I learned to let go. I learned that I am an expression of the Divine. I learned that at the heart of existence life itself is born of Love and sacred union. It was through this path that I softened enough to recognize how I was influencing my reality. Life isn't happening to me, it is happening for me.

Overcoming my blocks to love was the first step toward my soulmate. And now, I am deeply loved and supported by the man of my deepest soul yearning and imagining.

So I am here to tell you, that it's possible. He does exist. He is trying to find you.

What are your blocks to love?

If you are curious how you may be influencing your reality through your underlying fears and you want to tap into the fire of destiny within your heart, I'd like to help you with that!

I'm offering an "Attract Your Soulmate" coaching session for a limited time, at NO COST.

Let's get together and figure out what's holding you back and realign you with your true destiny. I know your soulmate would really appreciate your effort! Let's get you one step closer to LOVE.

Sign up today!