When your light is turned on...

What part of your body are you rejecting? When we reject a part of our bodies, we stop inhabiting that part of ourselves and treat our own bodies like an outcast. It’s there, but we don’t want to acknowledge it. Instead, we compare it, judge it, and condemn it as unworthy of love. Your own expectation of an impossible standard is diminishing the light within you that is the true attracting force. When your light is turned on, you are infinitely powerful and undeniably attractive.

And your soulmate will be able to find you. You won’t be cloaked in shadows.

So don’t wait. Start today reclaiming your light by giving the part of you that you have been rejecting extra attention! And know that due to the miracle of neuroplasticity and the power of choice that you will change your mind by cultivating this tender loving relationship with your body.

Start here:

1. Lay an older towel out to sit on and warm some sesame oil. I like Banyan Botanicals body oils. They are cold-pressed, and organic. And be sure to avoid the cooking oil or you’ll smell like dinner! I “double boil” it in a glass dressing dispenser to warm it up because there is nothing like warm oil massage that spells love. In fact, the word for oil in Sanskrit is “sneha” which means love! The yogis really know the true nature of things.)

2. Massage your body with the oil, lovingly. Stroke the limbs upward a minimum of 7x’s along with clockwise circular strokes for your stomach, plus sideways and vertical strokes (7x/s ea). You can massage your body from the soles of the feet up to your head and make this a full practice. Or if you have less time, focus on the parts of your body that you are intentionally claiming in the name of love.

3. Speak kind words as you massage yourself “You deserve my love. I am so grateful for all that you do for me and have done for me. My body is beautiful. My body is beautiful. My body is beautiful. I love my (scars, thighs, stomach, feet, beautiful bodacious booty).

4. Finish off with a warm bath or shower. Imagine the water is love pouring down over your body. Let the water roll down your body as though it consciously chose you to love. Feel the love relationship between your body and the water. You, unabashedly meeting the water with the fullness of all that you are. The water, an ecstatic free fall of love for you. Let yourself receive the love that is here for you and as you wash, continue to tell yourself how you love each part of your body.

5. After you pat dry, take some time to open your journal and describe what unconditional love looks and feels like to you. Finish with this creed, “I vow to love myself and all parts of myself unconditionally each and every day for the rest of my life. Every part of me is worthy of unconditional love.”

May your relationship with yourself become the best relationship you ever have, and every relationship from here on out blow the lid off what you though was possible for yourself!

Love always,


Kristin McHarg