How to finally relax
Trust is how you can finally start to relax.
Distrust in others, yourself, or the universe, inevitably causes tightness in your gut, hardness in your heart, and an unsettled feeling in your head. Just out of sight and beneath your awareness, all of your energy resources are bound up in self-protection, doubt, and fear.
Do you realize how hard it is for your soulmate to find you until you make peace with this piece of you?
I realize that trust has many requirements: you must trust that you are enough, or not too much; you have to trust the timing of the Universe; you have to be able to trust that the lessons and obstacles put on your path have value; you have to be able to trust that there are trustworthy men; you have to be able to trust yourself to choose a good man, and so much more.
Imagine for a moment the feeling of trust.
Not naiveté, but anchored trust.
In all ways.
Imagine having the ability to trust yourself and your ability to renew, as well as, being able to trust your partner and trust life.
Can you imagine how that feeling could allow you to access one of the most resourceful qualities of being?
A more relaxed version of you?
A timelessness?
If I were to describe the feeling of trust with a sound, it would be a nice, slow aaaahhhh.
A sweet letting go.
A softening.
To be able to open your heart to love, you must be able to trust yourself and others. To trust yourself, you must be able to trust the wisdom that created you.
The truth is, if you rely merely on the faculties of your mind to trust, you will be wasting your time. The mind requires proof, logic, and scientific evidence. If you have had experiences in your life that prove you can’t trust then trust will feel nonsensical and delusional.
There is another way. That way is through the heart.
Trust is bigger than proof or evidence. Trust is a spiritual experience. It is not tangible. It is felt.
It is through the heart that we connect with a feeling and spontaneous knowing that cannot be recovered through the mind alone because the heart is connected to the wisdom that created you.
This kind of feeling is bigger than you.
Did you know that the heart develops in the embryo before the brain? Heart intelligence is actually closer to the source of creation and wisdom than your brain’s intelligence. Therefore, to start to build trust in your life, cultivate harmony between the heart and mind.
This process requires that you stop allowing your intellect to dominate your life. That is, what you think you know.
Choosing to surrender the intellect to the heart’s wisdom allows trust to flourish and doubt to dissolve.
This choice develops awareness and allows you to finally access true free will. What that means is you will discover within you the power to change your patterns, your reactions and your entire life.
Because choosing to align heart and mind means that you are willing to stop investing all your energy into your past and start manifesting from the present moment.
You awaken the ability to trust that your destiny is a conscious co-creation, supported by something bigger than you, through the recovery of your true self.
You Can Start Right Now:
Bring your hands, palms down to your heart. Feel your spiritual heart at the center of your chest.
Notice the quality of your breath without any need to change it.
Recognize the small shift that occurs the moment you bring your hands and your awareness to your heart center.
What do you notice as you let go of everything else?
What do you feel in your heart?
A numbness, or a dimness…
A shimmering radiance…
Something in between?
Whatever is here, there is no right or wrong.
Could you bring more feeling, presence, and awareness to this sacred center?Deepening your connection to the heart, bring your first two fingers to your neck below your jaw. Feel for the pulse and tune into the sonic vibration of the heart. Close your eyes and immerse yourself in the steady rhythm of your beating heart. Keep this with you as you bring both hands back to your heart center.
Now imagine a river of light flowing from the backs of your eyes down into your heart. Let all of the excess mental energy be pulled by the magnetism of your heart. The heart itself holds a warm hearth fire at its center and grows warmer and brighter by the offering of mental energy.
Check in with your mental-emotional state. Any fragmented, disjointed emotions or thoughts? Begin bringing balance through the equilibrium of your breath. Inhale through the nose for a slowed 6 counts. Match the exhale to 6 counts. Imagine the steady pulse of your heart as a micro expression of the same expansion and contraction of the breath.
As you come to feel a steady connectedness, bring one hand to the top of your head, one hand on your heart. Visualize any quality of being that feels loving and supportive to flow down into your being from your crown. Let it be self-acceptance, compassion, love, warmth, or gratitude.
Feel your whole being like a golden vessel filling up to overflow with this feeling.As you bring both hands back to your heart, begin to breathe your arms wide as thought light and love were shining out from your center filling the room around you. Now imagine you have mirrors on your palms and as you bring your hands back to your heart all that light is being reflected back into yourself. Breathe a minimum of three rounds moving your hands open and closed in unison with the breath.
To close bring your hands to prayer at your heart and whisper this affirmation:
I focus my energy on what is most beneficial for me.
I trust myself to pause and breathe when I feel doubtful.
I release all doubt and know that I am safe and secure.
OM Shanti, Shanti, Shanti (peace, peace, peace)
This Heart Meditation is inspired by Shiva Rea “Tending the Heartfire.”