How Confidence Can Empower Your Relationships
Hello, radiant being!
Do you find yourself showcasing a confident facade while inside you grapple with self-doubt? Wouldn’t it be nice to wake up in the morning with a deep inner knowing that not only are you deserving of your deepest desire but also that you can trust that what you desire most is already on its way into your life?
When confidence merely serves as our outward armor, it’s like a gust of wind waiting to topple us over. The transformation from outward confidence to inward self-assurance is the key to achieving authenticity, personal growth, and fulfilling relationships.
But what does this true self-assurance bring to our lives? Let’s explore:
1. Embracing Feminine Energy: True self-assurance allows you to tap into your feminine energy comfortably. Instead of constantly leading, you’ll find the grace to receive, to relax into your innate femininity, creating a harmonious dance of giving and receiving in your relationships.
2. Attracting a Trustworthy Masculine Partner: Self-assurance radiates magnetic energy, attracting partners who resonate with your authenticity. You’ll find yourself drawing in masculine, reliable men who respect and cherish your confident presence.
3. Walking Away from Poor Treatment: When genuinely self-assured, you instinctively recognize what serves and doesn’t. This inner knowing provides the strength to distance yourself from negative experiences, knowing deep within that you deserve better.
4. Valuing Your Needs: Self-assurance gives you the confidence to prioritize your needs. You’ll inherently understand your worth and respect your desires, ensuring your needs are met in all relationships.
5. Establishing Boundaries: Expressing your boundaries becomes comfortable with true self-assurance. You’ll be able to communicate your limits clearly, fostering healthy and balanced relationships.
How can we cultivate this inner self-assurance? One way is to practice affirmations. Begin your day with powerful, positive statements like “I am confident, I am deserving, I value myself.” With time, these affirmations seep into your subconscious, replacing self-doubt with genuine confidence.
I embrace affirmations as part of my daily routine, and over time, my outward confidence has become a true reflection of my inward self-assurance. As I grow more at ease with myself, I have uncovered a surprising aspect of this: self-compassion.
Self-compassion is the ability to be gentle and loving towards me, and what a revelation for someone whose inner critic can be quite tyrannical at times. Self-love is the way to finally receive lasting love, ask for that raise, or walk away from a relationship that cannot truly meet your heart and soul.
So, beautiful soul, let’s embark on this journey of authentic self-assurance. It’s not about appearing confident in the world; it’s about feeling it in your core.
Keep shining, keep growing, and let your inner confidence illuminate your path!
Love Always,
Kristin McHarg
The Yogini Love and Dating Coach
P.S. I HAVE A FREE GIFT FOR YOU! I put together a playlist to inspire your indomitable spirit! All-women artists express inner light confidence by choosing powerful affirmations and embodying them through music. Please enjoy!