Yoga Workshops


Awakening Shakti to Cultivate and Attract Love
An Energy and Magnetism Workshop for Single Women
Saturday, February 6th

Love brings immunity, longevity, health, and happiness!

Come learn a few key techniques to cultivate and attract love before you head into Valentine’s Day. This workshop will teach some of the secrets to how Yogini’s get the glow that only love can provide

  • Learn to tap into an infinite resource of beauty & power

  • Discover deep feminine energy to build natural radiance

  • Establish presence to repel unwanted negative forces


Ananda Tandava: The Dance of Bliss
10 Ways to Understand and Source Pure Energy
Through the Teaching of Vinyasa Yoga

The Dance of BlissThis weekend workshop will give depth and meaning to the practice of vinyasa yoga by clarifying the nature of consciousness and arming you with the power to transform your relationship with life.

Learn to perceive the freedom (svatantrya) in each moment by recognizing the Divine at play. Invoke the powers of awareness toward skillful action, adapting the ability to move with the auspicious current.

This workshop will provide tools for Self-knowing through the lens of Tantric philosophy.

We will discuss Shiva and Shakti as symbols of universal consciousness and energy to help you to comprehend the power of awareness to enhance the flow of life and create positive change. Tap into pure energy sourced from the subtle wave of potentiality through meditation, pranayama, mantra, Prana Vinyasa yoga, writing reflection and art (skill unnecessary).

Coming this winter to the Telluride Yoga Center at the Madeline Hotel.



Cid Ananda: Bliss Consciousness
A Yogic Journey into the Soul of Nature

Embrace the healing rhythm of nature and experience firsthand the quality of “Cidananda”, or Bliss Consciousness

This guided meditative walk will incorporate the teachings of Tantra, Ayurveda and Yoga as we interact with the compelling powers that cause us to go beyond ourselves and our idea of the world. Access deep energy to transform your relationship with life and learn to recognize your true self as symbolized by the power and energy of nature. Through this practice you will develop discernment in support of personal longevity, grace and presence while accessing and cultivating intrinsic joy.

This walk will enchant the “tanmatras” or what we perceive with our senses by initiating singular awareness through a vitalizing practice to open the subtle pathways of pure power through high frequency “bija mantras” (seed sounds) channeled into the sacred centers of the body. We will embody the energy of nature with simple asana (yogic postures) and feel how it supports our mental and emotional body. We will sharpen our quality of attention and relax into the energy that supports and heals fragmentation and disconnection from our true selves.

The practice will close at a hidden waterfall with an auspicious blessing chant for all life. You will receive a copy of the mantra to take home with you.

This workshop has been offered for the past three years at the Telluride Yoga Festival

Banner Photo Credit: ©Mary Kenez

Sidebar Photo Credit: ©Joanie Schwarz