Dear One,

I know that taking a leap of faith like this and trusting your heart's deepest desire for love can bring up all kinds of fear.

  • Fear that you're crazy for even thinking that passionate, lasting love could be possible.

  • Fear of going straight into the most vulnerable experience that life has to offer.

  • Fear of failure.

I feel your heart, sweet one.

I know how much our conversation brought up for you. This is why I want to help you. I want you to know without a doubt that you are worthy of love. Not byway of what you do, what you know, or how much you have to offer, but by just being you. Pure, authentic, beautiful you.

It's your time now. Time to discover what it is that your soulmate is waiting for- your light- the light within you that calls him in which has up until now been masked, veiled, and protected by your need to feel safe. What I want you to know is that this kind of "safe" never inspires love.

Let me show you how to be authentic and vulnerable in a way that invites him in without losing your mantle and sets you up for a completely new kind of experience in love.

If you do have fear about this decision, I'd be happy to get on a call with you and coach you through the fear so that you can make a decision from a neutral place. My first goal is for you to feel perfect peace with your decision. That is all that matters to me.

Love always,


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