
The Dance of Bliss

10 ways to recognize and source pure energy
through the Teachings of Vinyasa Yoga.

The Dance of Bliss
~Ananda Tandava and the Five Powers of Shakti~

November 8 - 12


10 ways to recognize and source pure energy
through the teachings of Vinyasa Yoga

This workshop will give depth and meaning to the practice of vinyasa yoga by clarifying the nature of consciousness and arming you with the power of such to transform your relationship with life.

Learn to perceive the freedom (svatantrya) in each moment by recognizing the Divine at play. Invoke the powers of awareness toward skillful action, adapting the ability to move with the auspicious current.

This workshop will provide tools for Self-knowing through the lens of Tantric philosophy. We will discuss Shiva and Shakti as symbols of universal consciousness and energy to help you to comprehend the power of awareness to enhance the flow of life and create positive change. Tap into pure energy sourced from the subtle wave of potentiality through meditation, pranayama, mantra, prana vinyasa yoga, writing reflection and art (skill unnecessary)

Day 1:

Opening Ritual: Ujaii pranayama /empty bowl meditation

Mudras: Shiva Lingam and Womb Space

30 minute lecture: Understanding the basis of Tantric theory through Shiva and Shakti- The masculine and feminine polarities of consciousness. How this relates to quantum theory about energy and life.

•Sea of potential energy- Sadasiva

•The light of awareness- prakasha

•The landscape of possibility manifested (becoming an expression of nature)-vimarsha

30 minute Mandala art meditation

45 minute Prana Flow Chakra Namaskar practice to experience the mandala of the body and the relationship between the consciousness and nature.

Day 2:



Opening Ritual: Trataka Meditation/Kapalabhati, Brahmari Pranayama

Introduction to Shiva

Take form of Shiva
Agni Practice to cultivate consciousness of intentional, cyclical creation.

Lecture: The Dance of Bliss- The Five Acts of Consciousness

The cycle of life (vinyasa), the illusion and illumination.

Reflection: Consider a cycle that you’ve been through that was not “of your making.” Recall how it began,(srsti) how it lived,(sthiti) how the feeling that change was arising and the dissolution of the cycle (samhara) and how you navigated change.

How did you feel separate from love throughout this cycle?

How did you feel that this experience contributed to who you are now- for good or bad?

Was it painful? Did you feel good, bad or neutral? What was the aftertaste? Do you feel resentment, forgiveness, resolution? Did this experience build you up/ break you down? How did you find balance, healing, resolution?

DAY 3:

THE FIVE POWERS OF SHAKTI- Attunement and potency.

9am Vipassana meditation (wide open awarenss / Pranayama: Nadi Shodhana, Khumbaka

9:30-11am Prana Vinyasa Practice

pure power:





kriya- action

 jala practice

Friday 4 -6:00pm

Saturday 9:00am -11:00pm

1 -3pm

Sunday 9-12am



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• At pro blandit efficiantur, in ullum núsquam qúo
• In partem aliquám definitioñem sit
• Dicta aúdire ex vel, út accusamus íracundia usu


Trip Itinerary

Day 1

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Description text. Description text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, accúsam suscipiantur ea pri, cú illud étiam omnesque sit. Cúm añ porro aliqúid torquatos, homero mediocrém at ñam. An áccumsan tempóribus usu. Quot iñtellegat duo añ, pri cu viveñdum imperdiet. Nusquam suscipiantur concludatúrque has et. Ea eum aeterno debitis, ét movet choró sit.


Description text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, accúsam suscipiantur ea pri, cú illud étiam omnesque sit. Cúm añ porro aliqúid torquatos, homero mediocrém at ñam. An áccumsan tempóribus usu. Quot iñtellegat duo añ, pri cu viveñdum imperdiet. Nusquam suscipiantur concludatúrque has et. Ea eum aeterno debitis, ét movet choró sit.


Description text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, accúsam suscipiantur ea pri, cú illud étiam omnesque sit. Cúm añ porro aliqúid torquatos, homero mediocrém at ñam. An áccumsan tempóribus usu. Quot iñtellegat duo añ, pri cu viveñdum imperdiet. Nusquam suscipiantur concludatúrque has et. Ea eum aeterno debitis, ét movet choró sit.


Description text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, accúsam suscipiantur ea pri, cú illud étiam omnesque sit. Cúm añ porro aliqúid torquatos, homero mediocrém at ñam. An áccumsan tempóribus usu. Quot iñtellegat duo añ, pri cu viveñdum imperdiet. Nusquam suscipiantur concludatúrque has et. Ea eum aeterno debitis, ét movet choró sit.


Prepare for your trip

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Here is some description text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin quis tincidunt arcu. At pro blandit efficiantur. Vivamus nunc nulla, mattis in risus eget, auctor elementum est.

For full booking terms and conditions please click here.


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