two cord cutting rituals to clear your emotional attachment to the relationship that is holding you back from true love :
Cord cutting releases energetic and karmic ties to unsupportive addictions, habits, people, and things. It is a conscious choice to free your spirit and elevate your consciousness to the next level of who you are here to become.
This ritual is great for the right-brained people because it calls upon your powers of imagination and works with feminine creative energy.
This ritual may appeal more to the left-brain pragmatists as it is simple, clear-cut and severs soul-limiting contracts.
Ritual 1:
Working with Selene- Goddess of the Moon
This comforting meditation doesn’t require anything but a quiet space, a little imagination and ten minutes to perform this final ritual.
Sit in a quiet space in a comfortable position and close your eyes.
Take three deep breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth, allowing your heart rate to gently decrease.
Imagine yourself lifting up and out of your body and flying through the sky towards the moon. This is when it is especially important to trust your imagination. Don’t judge how your imagination tries to fly or not, just go with it.
Once you’ve landed on the moon in your visualization, take a walk around.
Imagine that you’ve seen a woman in all white walk up to you. She is one of the moon’s messengers, here to deliver you a message.
Ask her what this full moon wants you to release to fulfill your destiny and why now is the right time. Listen carefully and without judgement.
Now, imagine a manifestation of what you want to release appearing next to the moon lady. It can appear however you think it should. If it’s a job, then it could be your boss. If it’s a bad relationship habit, it could be your former partner.
The moon lady pulls out a beautiful selenite sword and you look down to see a dark string connecting you to the habit. She asks you if she can cut it.
You nod and imagine the knife severing the cord, turning it to ash. You hug the moon representative and she tells you she is proud of you.
Once the ritual is done, allow yourself time to return back to your body.
When you are ready, take a moment and write down as many details as possible in case you want to refer to it later.
Gratitude to Shereen Campbell @shereendanielle)
Ritual 2:
4 steps to conduct a cord-cutting ritual
1. Create a sacred space
You don't need a full altar of magical tools to do this, but lighting some candles is recommended as part of your lunar eclipse ritual. Doing so allows you to honor the element of air and harness its powers.
2. Breathe
Next, take three to five minutes to connect with your breath. Go in through the nose for four counts, hold for six counts, and breathe out through the mouth for eight counts. Feel free to repeat for another three to five minutes.
"Try to connect to your pelvic floor on the inhale," says Crysler. "When you inhale, call air into your stomach and chest, and on the exhale, visualize what you are releasing—let it all go. Stick out your tongue, make noises, really physically release; this can be emotional release, as well. "
3. Write down what you're releasing
Maybe you're releasing toxic exes, pre-holiday work stress, negative self-talk, or those black sweatpants you've been wearing since March that now have a hole in the crotch. Whatever is energetically getting in your way and making you feel less than, release it. "Write down any energetic imprints that you want removed from your body, so you can fully express yourself," says Crysler."
4. Verbally cut your cords
Do you have limiting thoughts in mind? Now's the time to expel them with your words—and this is the script to use:
"I, [your name], declare to cut and remove all cords, oaths, contracts, promises and karmic ties, across all planes of time, across all dimensions and past lives that do not serve my highest good for this lifetime. I declare that any of these soul imprints that are not beneficial for my highest power become dissolved immediately into a space of love. Thank you." Repeat this until you feel sufficiently unburdened and as glowing as (non-obstructed) moonlight.
Ritual from: Corina Crysler.
My Name is Kristin McHarg. I love to inspire women to claim the true love that is here for them. I find and share these rituals with you to empower you into your next evolution of light and love magnetism.
👉 💖 If you would like to be a part of a community of women who are taking back their true power and opening their hearts to the LOVE that is all around, please join us! We are “The Savvy Soul Sisterhood for Women Attracting EPIC LOVE”. Fill out a quick pre-qualifying form to join. See you there! 🥰 🌹
👉 💖 If you feel like you are ready to dissolve the barriers to love and want to work privately with me, I am offering a FREE “Attract Your Soulmate” coaching call, where together we will clarify your inner heart’s wisdom and its true soulmate song to carry you into the arms of your beloved. We’ll also uncover some of the barriers that have been built against love so that we can begin to dissolve your dating hangups. My goal is to leave you re-inspired, re-energized, and re-ignited about the love that is waiting for you! I welcome you to schedule a call now.
Have the most beautiful day and know that you are supported in ways that are truly asking to be recognized!
Love always, Kristin