New Moon • Solstice • Solar Eclipse Weekend
June 20, 21st, 2020

Solstice: 3:43 PM on Saturday, June 20

New Moon:  12:41 am June 21, 2020

Eclipse: 12:10 a.m. MDT Sunday, June 21

This weekend holds big energy as we come to the end of the six month “Uttarayana” cycle of expanding light. Solstice means “to stand still,” where the sun’s movement actually appears to pause before it shifts directions and begins the next cycle of receding light. The cycle from summer solstice to winter solstice is called the “Dakshinayana” cycle. 

SUMMER SOLSTICE: As we become aware of the rhythms of nature, we can align our biorythms with the universal rythms to support our creations and our dreams.  As we come into the longest day of the year, it is said that our shadows have dissolved into light, meaning we are not being so heavily pulled by the unresolved emotions that trip us up, and it is a time to celebrate all that we have brought into fruition this year. Any sacred juncture (a shift point from one thing to another) is an opportunity to pause, offer gratitude and prayer, and make space to just be.

THE NEW MOON is also the beginning of a another smaller rhythm of time in nature. Being the opposite of full light, it is deep darkness where are dreams that have yet come to light. It is also an auspcious time to pause, reflect on what you really want, and set an intention which becomes your “drishti,” (focus) and provides a pathway to creation.

ECLIPSES upset the natural order of things. The moon blacks out the sun. The moon represents our subconscious, emotional self, while the sun represents the conscious mind. It is a powerful portal for rapid change and growth. I have profound, personal experiences with eclipses as being just that. 


So, a lot of powerful energy this weekend! Let’s take this time to nurture the darkness that is asking to be seen even now in the full light of Solstice. Take time this weekend to just be. Relax, restore, reflect, rejuvenate. Put yourself first. Do what you can to feel as much love and support as you need. 


I am offering you some options to create your own love ritual for this sacred pause, this portal for change, and this opportunity for a new beginning. 


Rituals speak not in a linear, rational terms but through sacred actions, altars, offerings, symbols, objects of meaning, colors that exude vibrations, textures that evoke feelings, images that speak, and prayers that we offer. Through rituals we are planting seeds in the cosmic womb from which all life begins. 

Our subconscious is where our unrealized beliefs thrive unnoticed, creating limitations, holding past pain, and muddling our truth. We use rituals to to communicate new possibilities to the shadow of our limiting beliefs. Why? Because the subconscious mind is not part of our conscious mind, we are not aware of what lives there, and it does not speak in words. 

Rituals are powerful ways to begin the love journey by uniting dualities. Light and shadow. Conscious and unconscious. Masculine and Feminine. What we create represents the love we are calling in. Put your heart into your rituals because you are safe here to be just as you are. Let this become an beautiful journey into your heart and all that it has to offer. 

Ritual 1: Water and Oil  

Oil: If you can get bodywork, do. If not, take the time to massage all of your body, including digits, limbs and joints with coconut oil. Warm the oil first by putting the bottle in a hot mug of water. Take your time if you can and with each stroke send loving thoughts into your being. Tell yourself exactly what you need to hear. Imagine these words coming from one who cherishes and adores you. The one you are calling in. See your perfection. Sit for a while and saturate in the oil. Breathe deeply. Take a cool shower or bath. Lightly rub the oil off of your body. Do not use soap. Lightly pad yourself dry. Be sure you’re not using your best towels! Be careful not to slip. Scent yourself with your favorite essential oil blend. 

Water: Take a bath. If you can, use sweet smelling salts or oils. Buy yourself a rose or summer flower and while you bathe, pull one petal at a time. Each petal is an opportunity to count the ways you love. What do you love? Let each petal be an offering of acknowledgement for each thing that you can think of that brings you pleasure, joy, energy, or comfort.


Ritual 2: Altar Home or in Nature 

At Home: Create an altar. This can be done in your home or in nature. You can use anything that speaks of love. Rose quartz, luscious fabrics, and colors. Candle/s to represent the eternal flame, and crystals to speak of purity. Find pictures of classic lovers. Place cherished items/gifts from people who love you such as grandparents, friends who absolutely know your value, or anything that reminds you of how supported and loved you are. You can light incense, or use essential oils. You can make a drawing or even celebrate a word such as love, or soul mate and put that on your altar. Find cards or images that evoke the heroine in you. Let the feeling of empowerment support you as you reclaim the Feminine and call forth the courage to embrace your most vulnerable self. You are now in deep communication with the living, Conscious Universe. You are tapping in to your wild, creative nature.


 In Nature: If you choose to make an altar in nature go to a special place where you feel deeply nourished. Altars can be as simple as an arrangement of stones, leaves, flowers, and sticks. See if you can find objects of similar shapes and sizes so that as you create your pattern where there is some symmetry to create a mandala. Find 20 or so leaves of the same size and shape. Find 20 stones or pebbles of the same size and shape etc. Find different colors to intermingle and give your mandala interst. Place a beautiful object at the center. Let it represent your heart. Let your found natural objects create a pattern that emanates outward. As you are moving outward from the center you are emitting a radiance that is calling in your love. As the pattern moves inward you are magnetizing your love. With the placement of each item whisper a prayer to your love. Tell him how you will see him, adore him, appreciate him, let him know how you will share your secret world with him. You can also do the same for yourself, offering sweet words, prayers and desires.

Keep in mind the altar can be small. It doesn’t have to be an Andy Goldsworthy. ;) 

Sometimes just placing a beautiful rock in the crook of a tree or a heart rock on a stone shelf is enough. Let it become potent through your touch. That is what is important. You can take a picture of it and put in on an altar at home or just carry the experience of connecting with nature in your heart and be soothed. 


Enjoy your weekend, be mindful of dedicating all your energy to self-care and reflection. Most of all, be gentle with yourself. 

Holding you in my heart, holding you in the heart of all hearts, and holding you in the heart of your soul mate. Blessings of all good things.

In service to Love,