Something important that I have learned through the practice of yoga is that life is our mirror.
It comes down to our thoughts as powerful creators of our reality. As described by Joe Dispenza, our thoughts are electrical and our emotions are magnetic, and this electromagnetic force creates an energetic frequency. Frequencies are attracted to their match. So if we don't believe love can be easy, or that we deserve love, then we will attract people who confirm our beliefs and this becomes the pattern. Life reflects back to us these underlying beliefs. The problem is, it's hard to change your mind just by trying to choose different thoughts. Besides that, there are even some underlying beliefs that exist outside of our awareness!
This is why yoga embodiment is so great because it allows us to bypass unconscious creations (the 90% of our thoughts that we are not aware of) and instead focus our energy on clearing and strengthening our center.
This is why focusing on building life-force energy in your center allows you to become a magnetizing force for LOVE. Love and Life go hand-in-hand! So let's get started charging up our magnetic center.
Here is a short practice that Chanel Brooks of the Colorado Yoga House turned me onto-
Cat-Cow Kriya.
This practice only asks that you do it for 1-3 minutes per day. Start with one minute and build up to three.
Can you do that?
Short practices like this ask for you to commit not so much to intensity but to the sustaining power which brings them to life. This kind of simple commitment can turn into something much bigger than it appears to be! Trust me- this kind of self-devotion and commitment contribute to clearing the blocks to love and was a key element in my own journey of allowing real love into my life.
I started with a 30-day commitment to myself similar to this one.
If you want to plant some new seeds this year, I am offering free coaching calls for a limited time. We’ll work together to help you get clear on your vision, and what’s holding you back so that you can create something brand new and actually stick with it this year!
I invite you to schedule yours.
resource: Mindbodygreen online