The insidious DIS’ State.

Photo Credit: ©Joanie Schwarz

Photo Credit: ©Joanie Schwarz


“Dis”- Commonly defined as the present tense verb “to disrespect.” An etymological analysis yields that this abbreviated verb form actually refers to the antithetical state of a broad spectrum of positive attributes when applied.

Thus, “to dis”, “to be diss’in”, or “to have diss’ed” is contextual (i.e. not relegated to disrespect) but ALWAYS connotes the infliction of some wound to a person’s psyche, ego, or general well-being. -[Urban Dictionary

Ever diss’ed anyone? You were probably let down, pissed off, frustrated or dis-gusted.

How about you? Ever diss’ed yourself? The question really should be, how often? How often do you dis’ yourself? How often do you beat yourself up?

Living in a state of dis’ can go on for years, even a lifetime without catching on. Diss’ing yourself for not being good enough, smart enough, fast enough, good looking, charming, prosperous, enough, enough, enough.

And a continuous flow of dis’ can result in states of dis-belief, dis-trust, dis-empowerment, and dis-engagement. Did I miss anything? 

This constant flow of dis-sonance is an insidious form of self-sabotage working at a cellular level to corrode the basic structure of vibrancy, possibility, and truth. Truth? Yes. The truth is that you are the physical embodiment of spirit born of an infinite sea of energy encoded with the potential for wild, romantic, freedom. Freedom to create the relationship of a lifetime.

So, how do you turn this ship around? Because this ship of dis’ set sail many years ago and has essentially dug a trench so deep in your mind that the synapses of the thinking mind fire firmly in that direction whenever given the chance. 

Mastermind your mind by shifting your focus to the heart. Your heart came first in the embryonic evolution of this body. In the hiearchy of creation, the heart came before the brain. For many years, through the limited lens of science, the heart was reduced to nothing more than a physical organ, a pump. Spiritual science tells us that the heart is the gateway to the highest truth. The gateway to understanding the enigma of life. The best part of spiritual science is that the research has been done and the answers have come through many as the One. Spirit is alive in all things and as we align with Spirit we begin to remember. Remember our worth, remember our value, remember our love as bright and clear as a lighthouse on a dark and stormy night. 

You can begin the long journey home. Home to yourself. Home to restoring your faith. Home to believing that you are capable of anything and with attentiveness, to your thoughts, words, and actions you can begin to create a life of unlimited potential. You are powerful beyond measure so as a powerful being composed of freedom and will, what do you choose?

Please join me for a LIVE online class this Sunday, December 19th, 2021 at 9:30 am MT to prepare for the Winter Solstice. Listen for the loving guidance of your heart and create a new dialogue in your thoughts to partner with the flow of reality and invite true and lasting love into this coming year.

Kristin Taylor