Stop wasting your energy on ambivalence
Journal: 3 Simple But Great Questions
“If the Buddha Dated” by Dr. Charlotte Kasl.
1. What do you love about being single?
2. Write down all your greatest fears about being partnered with someone.
3. Write down all the reasons you want a relationship.
Go back and read the three paragraphs that you wrote.
😌 What is your immediate uncensored reaction?
Does one feel more alive and clear, or are you pulled in several directions? ✨
Any concern that stands out for you may reveal something that you value and you can use that as a guide for clear discernment when choosing a partner.
You may also notice something here that signals a need for a greater sense of inner security and acceptance.
Way to go!
You have the answers within you that will guide you into the arms of your soulmate, you may just need someone to ask the right questions that will get you there.
👉 💖 If you are ready to see beyond the obstacles to love, I am offering a FREE “Attract Your Soulmate” coaching call, where we work together to clarify your vision for your beloved. We’ll also uncover some of the barriers against love that are sabotaging your success with love and dating. My goal is to leave you re-inspired, re-energized, and re-ignited about the love that is waiting for you!
I welcome you to schedule a call right away.
You have everything you need to attract your soulmate. Just a few small shifts and we’ll get you aligned.
Love always, Kristin