Will I ever find love?

  • Why am I still single?

  • Why do I attract the wrong men?

  • What am I doing wrong?

    Are these questions gnawing at you?

    I know how it feels to wonder if you’ll ever find love. The feeling can have you pulling up your boot strings, lifting your chin, and proclaiming that you don’t really need it anyway.

    The truth is, these questions do not mean something is wrong with you or the world. It means that you have a chance to discover some things about yourself and men that, until now, have been hidden in your blind spots. Because the truth is, the love you seek is also seeking you.

    So, if you are ready to be CHOSEN by the man of your dreams, it’s time to stop searching and start preparing for your soulmate’s arrival.


If you feel in your heart that there is something better for you than what you’ve experienced until now and you are ready to transform your experience with men and dating…

I’d like to help you do that.

I am passionate about empowering women to reclaim their innate feminine power, allowing them to break free from the cycle of suffering in love and instead, attract real and lasting love with joy and ease.

Join me and you will undoubtedly

• Watch your confidence levels rise

• Have your choice of great men

• Enjoy being courted all the way to a commitment

• Wake up grateful and excited every day about the future plans you are making with your beloved

• Attract a man you are proud to be with!

11 Keys to Attract and Keep The Love of a Lifetime:

  1. Healing past emotional wounds to attract healthy love

  2. Developing self-love and self-worth

  3. Understanding and embracing femininity

  4. Communicating effectively in relationships

  5. Setting boundaries and standards in relationships

  6. Letting go of fear and opening up to vulnerability

  7. Identifying and attracting compatible partners

  8. Navigating online dating and dating apps

  9. Red flags to look out for in relationships

  10. Building and maintaining trust in relationships

  11. Keeping the passion alive in long-term relationships.

If you are ready to identify and break the pattern of past relationships, fill out the qualifying questionnaire and schedule a free clarity call right now.

Let’s get you the love that you desire and deserve!


A program is for women who are ready to joyfully magnetize love, by being you


client Successes

“I have gained so much confidence, clarity, and self-esteem”

I am so grateful for all your love, guidance, and support! I have gained so much confidence, clarity, and self-esteem because of this program.
~Shelley W., Long Beach, CA

”I embodied feminine energy and he leaned forward and took the lead. I couldn’t believe it!”

I feel so grateful because I came to this program with real intention to fill the void. I was ready to date again but knew I needed to try things in a different way. What I learned in this program was totally foreign to me. In the past I was so against this "feminine way" of approaching things. I had an averse concept of it. For me to come around the corner, be open, and trust a totally different way of doing things was a big change. I'll never forget the moment with my partner where I embodied feminine energy and he leaned forward and took the lead. I can't believe it! I just want to keep going and keep learning!
~Jill D., Santa Barbara, CA

He recently told me, “Just remember, I’m all in… I’m all here. You’ve got me 100%”.

Before this program I felt despondent and frustrated with love and dating. I’ve already been married and divorced, and honestly, I was desperate for a new method to approach dating than what I have been doing.

As a result of this program I am actually having good experiences dating and, dare I say, I think I’ve found my soulmate! This man and I are enjoying making future plans and talking about what life will look like for us! Every conversation we have confirms to me that I am in the right place. Right where I want to be. I’m super excited and wake up really grateful everyday.

He recently told me, “Just remember, I’m all in… I’m all here. You’ve got me 100%”. It’s super healing after the insecurity in my last relationship and dating. This is real, not fake, and feels like lifetime love! 

The best part of all of this has been watching my confidence level rise, being a part of the empowerment of the group, and undergoing the entire transformational journey. It’s big! I called my mom to tell to her that I’ve never been in love like this in my life and better than that, it’s mutual! I can’t believe it to be honest. Is this even real?

We really can’t believe it!
It’s amazing.
~Rachel W., Dolores, CO

It’s all falling into place now with everything that I’ve learned from you. Love is blooming!!

“My god! It has been amazing! Iv’e been doing all the things you have taught us. It’s all falling into place now with everything that I’ve learned from your group. Love is blooming!! It’s better than I would have imagined, it’s so easy and smooth. And he’s a REAL, healthy, masculine man!!”

Monica M., Santa Teresa, C.R.


“I have the confidence to take a step toward real love and not just settle because it felt safe.”

“You are f-ing amazing and so is your work! Love, adore and appreciate you and your friendship, teaching, mentorship, and the sisterhood beyond measure. Yessss to the power of love and feminine leadership from the inside out!

You have given me the personal guidance and group consciousness I needed to experience what I would describe as a rapid turnaround from where I was when I started. I now have the confidence to take a step toward real love and not just settle because it felt safe.”

~Haley S., Portland, OR



“I am more open, more feminine. I am flowing and embracing myself as I am which feels good because I remember me . It’s like coming home.”

I had given up. I was done, I’d been hurt too many times. I was nowhere close to any type of relationship. I had dark glasses on and was unwilling to see that anyone would want to love me. I had resigned to being alone for the rest of my life.

I had always felt like I needed to please others in order to receive love, and that left me feeling vulnerable and hurt most of the time. Things have really changed now that I understand my value, and I realize that there is no need to self-sacrifice for love.

It’s interesting that this kind of strength and self-assurance allows me to be softer and not as put-offish. I am more open, more feminine. I am flowing and embracing myself as I am which feels good because I remember me . It’s like coming home. Remembering me.
~Claudia G., El Paso, Texas



“It is hard to describe how fulfilling, transforming, interesting, and ultimately life-changing this course has been for me.”
What you are teaching, feels to me, imperative and the key, really, to the rest of my life.
In deep gratitude,

~Marisa M., Ridgway, CO.



“We focused on building ourselves from the inside out by planting this little seed that made me realize how precious I really am.”

It’s easy for people to give dating advice like, “don’t be super available’, or ‘don’t just sleep with a guy,” but instead we focused on healing our womb space and building our love altars and building ourselves from the inside out by planting this little seed that made me realize how precious I really am. Finally, I actually feel this truth for myself instead of just trying to follow the dating rules without really understanding “the why”. 
~Laura C., New Zealand

“I don't feel lost anymore. I don't feel alone anymore.”

You are changing my mindset! Your guidance has helped me so much. I don't feel lost anymore, I don't feel alone anymore. The way you hold the candle for me has allowed me to open my heart again to the great love that is out there for me.
~Anabel C., Denver, CO


 About Kristin McHarg:

Kristin McHarg, the only Yogini Love & Dating Coach, is here to help you uncover the secrets to attracting your soul mate. With her expertise in Love and Dating Coaching, Yoga, Tantra, Ayurveda, and the Divine Feminine, she can support you in opening your heart to love and embracing the destiny that awaits you. Kristin offers 1:1 coaching and group coaching for women, as well as a 6-Month Online Group Program, Workshops, Immersions, and more. Her ultimate mission is to empower women to reclaim their innate ability to attract lasting and fulfilling love.


Photo Credit: ©JoanieShwarz